You've harassed me enough... Arjun article coming! - Broadsword by Ajai Shukla - Strategy. Economics. Defence.
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Wednesday 23 November 2011

You've harassed me enough... Arjun article coming!

Have never been hounded so persistently for an article before, not even by my most enthusiastic editors. Will never, Never, NEver, NEVer, NEVEr, NEVER... again post any hint of where I am, who I'm visiting, or when I'll be back!!!

Stand by for Arjun article Part 1 tomorrow. I plan to structure my tank commentary in 5 parts. This is necessary so that Business Standard can carry those 5 parts. After all, they pay my bills. Not Lockheed Martin, despite the worst fears of many...


  1. I like that :)

  2. Colonel,
    they pay my bills. Not Lockheed Martin, despite the worst fears of many...

    That is well said. It is the intended effect of article that matters and not who pays the bill for the article !

  3. finally shuklaji... you showed mercy on us :) ...

  4. Hey Chief, stay cool. Its just an article. You just need to better manage expectations of your fans, stalkers and hecklers.

    Too bad LM doesn't pay you - probably be a lot more than what you get from BS.


  5. You should be glad Colonel! You have an interested audience who cannot wait....

  6. mwaaaah. Ajay, that was very rude of you on the average Jingo abdul, who wish to hear soooo much about the Arjun and you say that you're being harassed. No way. It's the Jingo who has lost sleep. He cannot sleep properly at night, wakes up so early in the morning murmuring fire at will (cluching the pillow and pressing it hard thinking it's the firing switch) (gladly this Jingo is Unmarried) and dreams about leading an Armoured column into battle. You write in length about MMS's visit, south China sea, Vijayanagar airfield, Agni-IV launch and so on. We get the same information from many other sources, but not the Arjun. What's expected from you is missing. Five part article, wow great. Hope we can all read a lot about Arjun.

  7. Thanks a lot sir...!!! at last our request(for u harassment) made the way....

  8. I am ready to see you in nude. Thanks the strip teasing is over. Joking.

    Thank you, With all regards

  9. it the times... even our home security... is in the right hands... The Humble Citizens of The Republic of India... is Worried...

  10. do it already....

  11. Good to see you rebuffing unfounded criticism with humour. It's always the best way! Great blog. Keep up the excellent work.

    Kind regards,

  12. Thanks Ajai :)

    Well we don't want to harass you.
    Just that the article is still in the making would have let us wait.

    Will look forward for the article.

  13. come on take it as a positive note. it shows our egarness to your article

  14. Dear Col.Shukla,
    I understand dogged pursuit by a lot of enthusiasts has caused some needless harassment. But look at it this way, people yearn to learn about the Arjun program which is a sign of maturity amongst your readers vis-a-vis indigenous programs. It is also a sign of your popularity and your celebrity status as a defence journo. All in all this is expected when you have such a fan following.

  15. Awesome! thank you!

    - Sudeep

  16. sorry sir ji but do it as soon as possible....

  17. tussi bade majakiya ho

  18. The colonel is should thank god that you are....!! How would you feel if no-one wrote on this blog

  19. LOL,but you know how we guys literally have to scrounge for a tid-bit,scrap,hint,rumour,whisper, anything of our defence programmes,particularly one as watched as the Arjun,this was only to be expected!

  20. Shaant ho gada dhari bhim shaant :-)

  21. Hahahaha! good to see you retain a sense of humor despite the pounding you take re being a Lockheed man.

  22. this is wat i ws waiting for so many god dam last.thnks again.

  23. All in good spirit :P

  24. Finally. thanks Shukla Sir!!

  25. ah yes, finally. this is the part where i get to profess my undying love to you.

  26. Col. Shukla,

    We appreciate the hardwork and dedication you put into researching and writing your articles. Thank you as always.

  27. Sirjee, I have only one thing to say to you.

    This the Leopard 2A4. Please take a look.

    This is the Leopard 2A6.

    I am going to the temple now and praying that the Arjun Mk2 is to the Arjun Mk1 was the Leopard 2A6 is to the Leopard 2A4.

  28. :-))))) LOL

    After all, you took the honor of reintroducing Arjun's might when Arjun turned the corner. Who else can tank buffs pester with when Arjun is galloping to Mk2 standards!

    It is an honor!

  29. Thank god, at last some information about Arjun MK2. BTW I named my son after this Tank, he is just 3 months old.
    I do not know what he understood, when i said Shukla uncle is going to post articles on your tank starting tomorrow, even he gave a surprised reaction.

  30. Please post a picture along with the article. No picture of arjun mk2 has hit the web even though the trials took place in June.

  31. AJAIJI,

    THANKS, THANKS and one more THANKS

  32. We are so desperate bcoz you don't criticize the drdo or cvrde for unknown reasons normally like others do... in fact you explain us the difficulties...which usually the normal news reporters don't understand...And you are the only journalist who spoke positively about
    BMD Development....when even the officers from 3 services rubbished such developments...

  33. You are showing too much arrogance.... That's not right....

  34. Probably my children will go to war in Arjun. I'm concerned.

  35. @Ajai sir

    i think the harrassment has hit you in the head. I think you meant Gripen and not Lockheed Martin. :D


    Joydeep Ghosh

  36. Thanks for finally posting the update on Arjun Mk2. Looking forward to reading the rest of the parts. Look at it this way, this persistent pestering means that the "aam aadmi" on the internet is indeed interested in knowing what is happening to the critical programs of the defence forces and we are quite eager (over- eager as you may say :)) to know whats happening in this regard, not to mention that it also indicates the popularity of your blog. In the era where content is king, even the most enthusiastic editors have to somehow follow what the audience is interested in reading. A learning from this instance could be, never tempt the audience with a subject that appeals to them, unless the matter is ready... i am so looking forward to reading the rest of the parts of this series..thank you once again for posting, Cheers & Jai Hind :)

  37. You have to provide us with better service levels :)

  38. Hi Ajay,

    I had asked about Indian Forces' large joint exercises in Eastern Sector to validate their bettle concepts according to specific topographical/geographical demands of Eastern Sector taking into account the capabilities of Eastern adversary.

    Why do we keep focussing of Deserts of Rajasthan for big exercises???

    Hw about mountainous riverine region???

    Would be keen to know your assessment ??? Isn't it imporant?

  39. Stop complaining Shukla ji. I know Chindits would love to have the kind of fan-following Broadsword has :P

    I hope she doesn't read this blog. LOL

    By the way, lovely article. Eagerly looking forward to the next part!

  40. Stephen Cohen had once said,"Indians don't know how to say Yes!" Are you trying to prove him correct by rejecting your ardent following (fan or otherwise)? :-P

    Besides, whose armour do we chew on if not a Colonel?

    - Manne

  41. This is what we all look for, the real deal by real journalists like Ajai, not the copy paste brochures from Sengupta and his ilk passed off as analysis plus ad hominem attacks against Broadsword. Please continue with the Arjun articles!!

  42. Come on guys, give colonel is break, he said that in good humor. He does not mean disrespect to his fan. I always look forward to his very informative articles.

  43. you should be thankful that people love your articles that much :-)


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