Broadsword quiz... level "challenging". What is happening in this photo? - Broadsword by Ajai Shukla - Strategy. Economics. Defence.
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Saturday 26 February 2011

Broadsword quiz... level "challenging". What is happening in this photo?

Here is a quiz to truly test the technological awareness of the much vaunted Broadsword fraternity... as well as your knowledge of the Tejas!


  1. Radar assembly is going on in this photo...

  2. technicians flirting !!!!

  3. Col Saab's Q : What is happening in this photo ?

    In the first photo, with Tejas at their backgroud, a group of HAL/LRDE employees are chatting and other 2 HAL fellows are idling on the its wings. In the second photo, 3 guys are speaking some thing secretly, though look like working when seen from far away. First photo seems to be taken by sneaky Colonel and hence the employees are continuing the chat instead of working. Second click by Colonel were noticed by those 3 guys and hence they act as if they are working. Lady on the first photo may be suferring from Cold or something, as she is on a matching woollen cloth. May be your old regimental S2 might have typed a whole 4 page essay on the things seen on those photos.

    The Tejas on development is without the frontal cone which covers the radar avionics (antenna is missing). In fact it just has the skeleton and not much avionics. Those folks should supposedly making interconnections with different components of avionics with the cables lying around unattended. I would say that those staffs are careless and I would whole heartedly agree on the professionalism part of US mission's report on HAL.

  4. I am just a bit confused and concerned. Dont you think this is a bit revealing of a plane that is supposed to defend the country. Why has this plane become a source of entertainment for the online community. DOnt you think that other countriues are watching closely gleaning info from such images. Not a criticism, but an hones question

  5. seems to be structural load testing for the radar mount.

    TYPICAL PSU... :)

  7. installing plumbing for the Radar. weights are kept at the tip of the fixture to balance weight at the other end.some kind of radar and other LRU installation in the bulkhead station.

  8. A dummy weight which is equivalant and spread out similarly to an actual radar is being put in.

  9. installing the radar...

  10. The frame to mount the mmr radar. Is not it???

  11. It is a fitting of Hybrid MMR radar -elta el/M-2032

  12. The structure in the nose simulates
    antenna pedestal using lead plates
    as ballast. this arrangement might have been used as counter weight till the fitment of radar antenna for CG balance.

  13. Looks like they are connecting the LRUs for the MMR.

  14. Looks like counter weight before installing Radar.

  15. On the other hand it looks like the ejection set is missing and possibly the framework of the cockpit is being pushed in.

  16. Chitti version 4.0 UPDATED26 February 2011 at 06:13

    Two guys were trying to build something and as usual a girl comes there to distract the guys !!!

    Any way, the aircraft looks old based on the paint and may be they are replacing the radar of an existing airframe with a newly developed one to test it..

  17. putting up MMR radar!!

  18. Anonymous 16:14; and Chitti version 2.0

    You are perfect examples of the kind of sexist assholes who frequent the internet. That lady you refer to is the designer who personally directed the conversion of the single-seat Tejas into the twin-seat version.

    Shame on you.

  19. Anonymous 16:21:

    I have no idea what a "regimental S2" is. Nor, I suspect, do you.

    You are as wrong about what is being done to the Tejas as you are about the rest of your rant.

    On your point about agreeing with the US mission's report on HAL... just one question! Have you ever been to HAL?

    Or is this just springing from your conviction that if someone is wearing a mask, headdress and fancy footwear they are inherently superior to those who labour in less fortunate environments?

  20. Anonymous 16:32:

    You should be in the Government of India. They too have similar ideas about security!

    Actually, you can spend your entire day with your head inserted into a fighter, even into the mission computer, and still learn nothing about it. Secrecy today vests in software code. There is almost no secrecy to hardware.

    So don't worry too much. We are also desh-bhakts like you!

  21. Sir they might be cleaning inside the radar cone...bcoz the reasons are

    1.I can notice the vacuum cleaner

    2. they are chatting as it is not a serious job

    3. U r headline for the qiuz is challenging....which seems sarcastic

    4. PV-3 is the aircraft which had highest modifications and has flew more sorties for flight it needs more maintainance..

  22. "You are perfect examples of the kind of sexist assholes who frequent the internet...."

    I dont know why you get worked up so easily ... !

  23. Seems like they are laying out all the electrical wiring. Clues in the photograph - vacuum cleaner and another device which probably tests end to end connectivity.
    vacuum cleaner would be pretty useful to pull cables I guess (if so, someone out there is pretty resourceful).

  24. Jet in pic is PV-1 and i guess they are putting up dead weight(equal to of MMR) in nose to test its effect on aerodynamics/flight performance.

  25. 2nd Pic, looks like they are putting in dummy weights where the radar antenna is supposed to be.

    1st photo: putting in the plumbing for the structure that will hold the antenna

  26. Broadsword 20:26

    Your assessment about secrecy and security is absolutely correct in this specific context. However i would like to mention that in the broader context of security this statement is not correct. Most of the strongest cryptography algorithms are opensource and virtually impenetrable, but the actual hardware platforms (read processors) on which these algorithms are implemented, are vulnerable. In order to maintain a high degree of interoperability a degree of openness is necessary in the hardware domain as well. Therefore it is a challenge to design hardware that are "open" yet secure.

    Anonymous 16:32 asked the question from naivety. You need not be so harsh on him/her.

    As for your question: honestly i am just guessing. nagarajan and Chandra's answers seem very plausible to me.

  27. I have a strong suspicion that the aircraft in the pictures is either the TD1/TD2 or the first Prototype aircrafts. I believe none of those early aircrafts had any radars and simply had a mounted frame to provide structural rigidity and/or equivalent weight.

    I'm basing this opinion off course on earlier pictures that you had provided in previous blogs.

  28. Pre Radar installation activities.

  29. The slit on the right side looks like slot for some refuelling probe to retract into.

  30. I never see anybody working always chit chatting

  31. Im anonymous at 16:32 again. Firstly I was very honest, mine was a question and not a comment. I do not know if such photos can lead to issues. But yet given the high level of secrecy followed by the Chinese and other govts around such similar projects, it just feels a bit off that we are so open in this. I mean would it hurt if we erred on the side of caution in such matters? (Again an honest question and not any sarcasm or commentary so please don't try to tell me that I should be in the govt or stuff like that). Also I do wonder if there are misinformation campaigns running out there.

  32. My guess is that they are simulating the weight of the radome and radar during structural assembly of the aircraft's forward fuselage.

  33. Anonymous 20:41:

    Your comment: "I dont know why you get worked up so easily ... !"

    Has it ever struck you that that lady might visit this site and read those crappy comments about her being there just to distract all those wonderful male workers from their important jobs?

    If that guy is trying to be funny... he really needs to reorient his sense of humour!

  34. What the hell is the answer?

  35. They are assembling the MMR radar on LSP7 or LSP8.
    Isn't it ?
    It seems to be ready now.

  36. This is an interesting picture indeed. It does not have auxillary air intake just below tail fin. TD1 and TD2 were retired long time ago. This must be PV1. It has not flown for more than a year. I am guessing some kind of cockpit / equipment upgrade going on. I don't think it might get a new radar. Is PV1 platform being used for any kind of experimental purpose like Kaveri?

  37. (disregard the previous post)ok Col.. there's no air scoop on tail so its PV (TD decom) the landing wheel door say 03 so PV-'1'. Definitely not fitting radar in 2nd pic we could see the ballast(thin sheets of metal bolted), the black thinge on the table is small to be mission computer, may be fuel management/environment control unit. 1 interesting thing is that there are struts on the spine, some form of conformal setting, too small for fuel tank(but then again lca is tinny),too large for spin shoot,may be new OBOGS thats making news. in the 2nd pic all the techies are looking at the left side. at the bottom left i could see a grey metal tube-IFR??(naa... but the guys on the techie on the left working on the outside ) btw the black chords are for connecting the PCs & white 1 are 1s to hold inplace

  38. commenting need to be decent... and you are right in saying what you said.

    regimental S2 in nato terms is intelligence officer or an officer assigned to be point of contact with intelligence attached to each regiment. may be that anon doesn't know the equivalent name in India context. i don't know either. though he ranted on the first para, he didnt in the second para. he didn't talk about the attire of the employees. he talked only about the carelessness of those folks. you will agree that less unfortunate environment can't mentioned as reason for carelessness & irresponsibility.

    regarding the security, i agree that we don't have to be paranoid.

  39. Assembly of the MMR radar on LSP 7 or LSP 8.

  40. Installing fiber-optic and radar equipment.

  41. Have they decommisioned PV1? Parts of landing gear has been removed....looks like they are taking it apart.

  42. contd... on the table there are 2 metal tube(yellow primer) attached to a flat surface at an acute angle, what looks like to be base of non-retractable IFR... but why cylindrical why not more aerodynamic like the ones in M2k & why not retractable??

  43. Nobody has gotten the right answer yet... or even an answer that a generous examiner could give marks for!

    But there's some really good thinking going on... A 4 u, Ramu, etc.

    Scratch your brains a little more and you'll hit upon it, I'm sure.

  44. I think they are integrating the MID Air Refuling probe...

  45. It seems this Tejas (PV1 as many have already pointed out) is getting some EW features

  46. Guys i am sure they are installing non retractable In fight refueling probe...

    Sir u hav updated this pic bcoz the pic of LCA Tejas with IFR was in ADA brochure given in AERO INDIA 2011...

    And that pic is doing rounds in Many forums....

  47. is it tejas mk2 related work or naval lca related?

    the tubes on the table arent ifr. they might be mounts for maws sensors. there is another bulbous black object on the table. might be related to multi spectral maws.

    are the white cables optic fibre? related to fly by wire development?

    the ballast seems to indicate that pv1 will fly again. maybe as a development platform for mk2 work?

  48. Ajaiji,

    I think I am cheating, and if you feel this comment should not be posted, I will not be offended. Does this have something to do with the picture on Bharat-rakshak Forum showing a re-fulling probe... the aircraft looks same to me (but then again I am no expert)... link is here:

  49. Can see the ballast weight that is used to simulate the weight of the radar clearly. But those guys seem to be working on installing an IFR probe on the side away from the photographer..there was a recent pic of the Tejas with an IFR probe installed..was that from a fitting test on the PV-1?

  50. They are working at the base of the nose cone. From hint provided by Shukla'ji, that the lady is associated with Twin-seater conversion, which could either be for a trainer or Naval version. Which would suggest they are working on some upgrade for the Mk2. I would guess it could be Air-Refuelling probe attachment, since the guys seem to be working on the starboard side of the craft.

  51. The are working on re-fueling probe

  52. The plane does look like it is PV1. The yellow tube cage must be the ballast for simulating radar weight.
    I have a feeling that they are stripping out the plane for parts or to put in updated electronics.

    But i think they are stripping it for decommissioning.

  53. refueling probe being installed.

  54. sir the best pic that could explain about the yellow primer thing on table is pic in below link

    And tejas with IFR pic link is

    But the funny part is ppl in BR forum are confused and are desparate to know on which prototype they hav fitted the IFR...

    But here we know the aircraft but are confused with what they might be doing...

  55. integration of IFR(INFLIGHT REFULING POD)

  56. Now that everyone is guessing, heres my guess.... IMHO, they are adding counter-weights to offset the Kaveri Engine (which is a li'l bit heavier) that is being installed on the plane.

    Funny guess right? thought so myself.....

  57. I think as someone else has said, the white cables are optical fibres for fly by light and reducing the weight. But they do look too thick for optical fibres.

  58. One of the technician got his finger stuck somewhere, the others are helping him out

  59. Most of us are not fortunate to have access to HAL production facilities.So,our impressions(and of the world) is based on photos such as these.While not taking away anything from the merits of HAL workers,what bothers people is the lack of a connect between the product, sophisticated fighter and the wooden tables,stools,non-uniform equipment,plastic buckets,no hard-hats etc etc.A civilian Truck or car assembly lines of TATAs or Maruti or Mahindra for example are absolutely in order with not a thing or equipment out of place.So it appears quite weird to us that the cars we drive are made in such modern looking lines while a fighter -jet is manufactured under such conditions.HAL is a PSU,no doubt,but still to have a shed like atmosphere,wires strewn around,domestic extension boards,grubby walls do give out a bad impression. Proper turn out instills discipline,self-pride and a conducive workplace raises productivity.HAL must invest heavily on its premises,work areas and personnel kits.These are as important as any other item on HAL's managers

  60. Ballast weight for Controlling Airplane's CG travel

  61. My observation.

    * Guys look like re-working the avionics section and there is a new(look wise) mission computer on the table, i guess.

    * That yellow thing on the table could be MAWS.

    * There is no ejection seat and neither there is HUD.

    * No canopy and rest of transparent section is covered with anti scratch cover.

    * All most all avionics and electronics storage section is open.

    * No landing gear.

    * Shape of conformal attachments around spine is mysterious, though only possibility i see if of a fuel tank.

    Looking at the gravity of work/modification, i guess PV-1 is being prepared for either Kaveri trials or as a test bed for MK-2. However one more possibility is that PV-1 is being prepared to test improvements in MK-1 itself.

  62. I vaguely remembered a news item last year and now found it. It was from quoting the following

    "PV-1 has been pulled out of the current rigorous Tejas Test program since it no longer has all the new avionics equipments and its subsystems , nor does it has weapons integrated to carry out weapons testing ,but it will not join the fate of TD-1 and TD-2 where both have been dismantled and usable parts already been removed from the aircraft and waits it last resting place neither in a museum or a IAF Base .

    Efforts are on to integrate Kaveri engine to its airframe , PV-1 is the only aircraft which was designed keeping Kaveri engine in mind , but it flew with American Ge engine , it still needs a lot of rework on its fuel lines and also on plumping systems ,so does LRU in the aircraft, Tejas LSP aircrafts have gone lot of changes recently to match LSP , PV-1 will also require number of changes to its mission computer and software ."

    It is definitely not radar or refuelling probe. I assume almost the entire contents inside this bird are being upgraded. I must be staring at something blindingly obvious in this picture, but I can't distinguish between their lunch boxes to mission computer with my limited technical knowledge. I will let it pass.

  63. they are working on something below the cockpit displays, so most probably it is the avionics suit integration.

  64. Looks like antennae is gonna be fixed, mostly an AESA test to begin on lca

  65. Mission computer or back end of radar on the table. and looks like they are testing strength of radar supports.

  66. This whole assembly will eventually get pushed into the cockpit.And near about on top of what looks like dead weight, will be the zero-zero ejection seat and if you look around , you'll see a computer hw lying on the table that will also find its place somewhere behind/under this yellow frame.



  68. adding dead weight to simulate a radar?

  69. Preparing for lightening strike test.

  70. There is no landing gear! may be try are trying to balance the aircraft weight/center of gravity for some simulation, or may be they are doing some test to see if there are any loose parts inside the plane, by violently shaking it?

  71. Chalo its the season of wild guesses so let me do that as well it is pv1 and it is being integrated with IRST

  72. Since, we cannot figure out individually - let us try collectively. Someone may be able to guess.

    Here are things I see in the pictures
    * Black cables going from the nose to the area near the rear wheels. (Is this something to do with Naval Variant's landing gear or arrester hook?)
    However, since the cables are coming out directly below the fuselage and that there is a hardpoint over there it may be something do with
    * Laser Designation pods
    * External Fuel tank
    * I am guessing it is the black cable which is important. There seems to be a suction unit to pull the cable - I guess.

    Over to the others...

  73. Looks like they are installing digital flight control computer (DFCC).

  74. Looks like this PV is being salvaged for any usable parts it has.

    they already removed ejection seat, HUD, landing gears.

    Most of the LRU

    People are also sitting over the "no step" zone on the wing. Signifying more or less no value in airframe.

  75. They are either replacing the avionics or removing the avionics from PV1 which was supposed to be decomissioned.

  76. Only GUESSING.

    Absence of HUD and ejection seat is mysterious. May be ADA is converting PV-1 into UCAV test bed for AURA program.

    PV-1 is being upgraded to carry out flight tests to see if conformal fuel tank[s] are feasible or not?

    To test MAYAVI suit.

    PV-1 is being upgraded to PV-3 standard.

    PV-1 is meeting fate of TD..........Something i myself see very unlikely because of presence of yellow primer coated sub-assembly parts.

    PS: Forgive me for any ignorance shown.

  77. They are trying to find out if the fuselage cracks/breaks into two under extreme loading?

    - Manne

  78. I guess Laser Designator pod.

  79. This is classic interview anti loop. There's no 1 answer to the question. Here's why...

    All chords have been plugged out all LRU are missing from their holders, HMD is missing, the black thinge on the table look brand new, many chords & wires are new - there's definitely avionics upgrade going on.

    The ejection seat is missing, large part of the landing gear is missing - overhauling/redesign??

    & btw in the first pic the engine missing may be engine overhaul(we neither have K-10 or GE414).

    Now the unique thing that i could make out is the conformal setting, which I refuse to believe is a CFT. but assuming its CFT & after looking at the lca with IFR the yellow pipe thinge on the table is not IFR. Since they have a pair & assuming they are placed external. Since you cant drop CFT i would guess its part of fuel dump system (hehe.. )

    The last time they had conformal (in Bison) they said its for ECM. it could for that as well

    ok to add context to the problem (not thinking far ahead).
    1.Wake penetration
    2.Spin test
    6.High AoA for 200Kmph flight
    7.PV-1(/2?) designated for Karevi

    by process of elimination we can eliminate 4(no radar),6(no design change), 2,3&5(mentioned earlier refute by blogger) so i settle with 1,7&8(but 1st 2 make no sense)

    Well this could be 1 of those trick mba/crossword type questions - for that we need to analyze the question itself - what is happening in this "Photo"?.for starters "this" & "Photo" are singular & there are 2 photos :)) well i could go on... or you could give us the answer..

  80. Radar Electronic Assembly

  81. ...........

    PV-1 i getting GSH-23 cannon for weapon integration and testing.

  82. After spending hours on this quiz photo, just to see something unique i guess i finally managed something.

    There is a hinged yellow cover kind of thing right at the spot GSH-23 cannon is supposed to be mounted.

    So my final answer is, in the quiz photo HAL guys are installing GSH-23 cannon on PV-1.

  83. Rahul(Kolkata)1 March 2011 at 02:24

    4 'sarkari' employees of HAL are chatting about Saas bahu serials and their impact on real life while manufacturing LSP7/LSP8. This signifies why LCA is termed as Late Combat Aircraft and why HAL can't deliver more than 8 aircrafts per year to IAF.

  84. In Picture1 to the right Venerable lady what looks like a Vacuum Cleaner ( with my limited or no knowledge of fighter Aircraft systems), so i guess its Cleaning time or a guess would be installation of Pilot O2 (oxygen system), if such a thing exist.

  85. HAL employees acting as if they are doing something ... but we all know they are not anything ...

  86. Hi Ajai

    I guess this is one of the oldest Prototype where they are validating the retractable refueling probe design. I can see a big pipe at the lower section of the nose which I guess is the fuel rod and other stuff are motor etc.... at this point there is no radar on board and I guess is sitting on the bench top next to the jet.

    Ravi Kollipara




  88. Kudos to Shri Anandan...

    Hmmm... almost everyone got defeated in the ELECTRONIC WARFARE ROLE of Tejas. Many could have got it correct on the EFT and F-18. Lol...

  89. ajai,

    are they going to be dedicated EW aircraft like Growler or they just testing the imported EW suites (from Israel) in their aircraft ?

    If it is going to be dedicated EW aircraft, did IAF asked for it or HAL guys thinking of a slae pitch ? Can't believe that IAF wants a dedicated EW aircraft on a light aircraft.

  90. Vacumn cleaning!!!

  91. Col Shukla, would you mind telling us what exactly is going into this PV in terms of EW suite ? just standard RWR and flares and chaff or something more ?

  92. Col. Shukla- Are you radiating too ?
    Respectfully - :)

  93. Aahh..finally! This must have been the longest running quiz show in history

  94. RudraDaman:

    I never said that this is an "EW suite" being fitted on the LCA. I said that this was PV-1 being modified for an EW role!

    I can't tell you too much about what is actually going into the fighter. The details will have to remain classified for now.

  95. Anandan must be from ARDC,HAL !!! otherwise who can guess such a wild googly!!!

  96. installing of IAI EL/M-2032 RADAR


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