Echoes of Kargil: China intrusion can lead to India losing DBO link - Broadsword by Ajai Shukla - Strategy. Economics. Defence.
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Sunday 31 May 2020

Echoes of Kargil: China intrusion can lead to India losing DBO link

PLA troops in the Galwan Valley now overlook the strategic road to Daulat Beg Oldi, giving them the capability to cut it off

By Ajai Shukla
Business Standard, 1st June 20

In what the army is recognizing as a repeat of Pakistan’s 1999 Kargil intrusions, but this time by China in eastern Ladakh, troops of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) continue consolidating their defences in the Galwan River and Pangong Lake areas, up to three kilometres (km) inside territory that the Indian Army has patrolled and claimed for decades.

Just as the Kargil intrusions allowed Pakistani troops to dominate the Srinagar-Zojila-Kargil-Leh highway and threatened to cut off Ladakh from the north; the Chinese intrusion into the Galwan River valley allows PLA troops to overlook the strategic Darbuk-Shyok-Daulat Beg Oldi (DSDBO) highway and cut off the army’s lone year-round connection with its isolated “Sub-Sector North” (SSN), at the base of the Karakoram Pass.

PLA soldiers that have established themselves at the mouth of the Galwan River valley at its confluence with the Shyok River are just one-and-a-half kilometres from the DSDBO road. They overlook the road, which winds along the Shyok River valley, and can bring down artillery and missile fire to prevent its use. 

The PLA apparently intends to dominate this road permanently. Even as top Chinese officials declare the issue can be resolved through dialogue, PLA intruders are building bunkers while PLA engineers are connecting their forward troops with China’s formidable road infrastructure on the Line of Actual Control (LAC).

Government sources conservatively estimate that the PLA has captured more than 60 square kilometres of Indian-patrolled territory in the last month – equally divided between the northern bank of the Pangong Lake and the Galwan River sectors. 

Chinese troops now block access to several Indian “Patrolling Points” (PPs) along the LAC, which Indian army patrols have regularly visited for decades to assert their claim over the area. Amongst them are PP-14, 16, 18 and 19.

At this time of the year, when the risk of Chinese intrusions is highest, it has been customary for the army’s Udhampur-based Northern Command to move reserve formations into the area, ostensibly for “training exercises”. But this year, reserve troops were retained in their peacetime locations because of the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Consequently, there has been a dire shortage of reserve troops to react to the PLA’s multiple intrusions. By the time the northern army was able to move reserves into the area, the PLA had already consolidated its hold over its newly acquired positions.

Army headquarters in New Delhi is coming round to the view that top generals in Ladakh have been caught napping. There is growing talk about replacing the corps commander in Leh, and even the northern army commander in Udhampur.

After the Kargil intrusions of 1999, which an enquiry blamed on “intelligence failure”, not a single general lost his job or was replaced. The army pinned the entire blame on a single brigadier in Kargil.

A retired defence intelligence chief, speaking anonymously, blames the current situation on an intelligence, as well as an operational failure. “The Chinese have always been ultra-sensitive to India expanding its presence in northern Ladakh. That is because this adjoins the Aksai Chin, through which China has constructed its strategic Western Highway that connects Tibet with Xinjiang. When we built the 255-kilometre DBDSO Road through this area, why did the army not deploy troops on the eastern side of the Shyok, especially in the Galwan Valley, to protect the eastern approaches from the Chinese side?” he says.

The officer cites the Chinese intrusion in 2013 into Depsang, in the Daulat Beg Oldi sector, soon after India activated a landing ground there and beefed up troop numbers.

Within the army, there is growing concern that New Delhi will allow the Chinese to retain the territory they have occupied in the last month. In public statements last week, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh has already conceded that the alignment of the LAC, and therefore the ownership of territory, is unclear in this area.


  1. why are army commanders caught napping? overconfidence? glory search somewhere else ? LOC?
    The indications were all along. digitally connected radars with Pak AF, High Altitude systems displayed, deployed etc. Post-Dokalam, Army should have been sensitive & should have increased surveillance and deployment on sensitive areas. Two Front war become a drawing-room hurray talk only.
    Army commanders toeing the line of COVID 19 cant keep borders without surveillance. Is this the reason ITBP scoffs at IA. Successive COAS should have had pressed on the full mobilization of the "strike corps- mountain" could have been your essential reserve.
    Deploy 14 Rapid on the Uttarkhan Tibet border
    is this the result of over-focus on CI ops for glory
    Lack of additional mountain artillery production, means you need to bring back 75mm / 122mm mountain guns / direct fire to argument fire support
    You may need to recall reserves of troops and officers to fill in ranks and hastily raise new brigades to create reserves.
    " Barbarians / Huns / Hans have entered the gates, they have broken the gates. " we have been ostriches

    1. You use too much abbreviations.This is commoon among Indians.India is a paradox.You have inadequate checks and balances,that is why the officers napping go unchecked.All departments in India run Rambharose.It was pathetic to see on TV the space scientist crying when Chandrayan failed soft landing.Ewially pathetic was when N.Modi started crying in Zuckerberg's interview.He is the PM,got to control emotion,not allowed to cry.

    2. Horses & Donkeys .... haven't you heard that story ?

    3. Dude I think u should stick with playing call of duty and let the real men do their job.

    4. The Indian Army will go down in history as the biggest sleeping giant of an army, forever caught with their pants down. This time around, mark my words, PLA is going to stay in those places they have captured. Do not forget that their is Chinese People's Congress in session in Beijing, and Xi Jinping will have to show to a restive domestic audience some meaningful action this time around, unlike the Doklam episode. The Indian Army Commanders are extremely naive to think that all is well, now the nation will have to pay a high price for their stupidity!! Extremely well - written article!!

    5. The system is at fault since everyone either army top brass or MoD or govt top rulers prefer mostly yes men .

  2. Seems to be a typo in this line: "A retired defence intelligence chief, speaking anonymously retired(sic), blames the current situation on an intelligence, as well as an operational failure."

    1. It can't be an INTELLIGENCE failure. We never had any worthwhile intelligence on China in the first place.
      It's entirely an OPERATIONAL failure. Military commanders promoted on considerations OTHER THAN MERIT.

    2. Chinaman psychology27 June 2020 at 17:52

      China will wage a war to capture DBO road to Karokaram in next 4 months.They will do it as US elections come close. This is perfect opportunity as 1962 when they did it during Cuban missile crisis. War is inevitable.

    3. Chinaman psychology27 June 2020 at 17:54

      China will wage war as US elections in full swing just like 1962 during cuban missile crisis. Then in November declare ceasefire. By that time DBO is captured and CPEC secured.


  3. sir, it is not just failure of Generals sleeping. it is also the politicians and red tape sitting silently on Op Alerts sent.

    1. Rajnath Singh is no good. We need someone like Yogi Adityanath as Defence Minister.

    2. Military Commanders are the EYES & EARS for Delhi. What they don't report, Delhi doesn't know. So don't take sides, IF you are trying to be analytical. The ESTABLISHMENT lost its way in the KARGIL REPORT, and see what happens two decades later.

    3. yogi one who wept bitterly in parliament in full public display

    4. If Yogi would have been the defence minister then he would have sent the hindu yuva vahini goons there for lynching and yes ghar wapsi...Haha

  4. Can I post your wonderful blog on the ground realities at Ladakh on Quora. It is truly illuminating and one should know reality. I wish I could post, but I will be happy with the final decision you give.
    With kind regards
    Abhijit Bhattcharya
    Visiting Prof. at IIT Kharagpur
    email ID:

    1. Why not sir,im from ladakh and i i think reality should be revealed

  5. WTF, we are always caught with our pants down. It is well known that China uses global instability to push into Indian territory. 1962 was just the first round. Since when did we start ceding our territory without a fight? What a shame. Our armed forces are really a laughing stock in front of China. We can’t even throw punch above our weight. Fight China till we overlook the Karakoram Highway at 0.5 km. Open multiple fronts to widen the conflict. Hit hard in the very first strike. And if it’s our territory which is lost, don’t shy to use tactical nukes and any means necessary to decimate the invaders. Is Indian army scared of Chinese PLA? Is India stupid enough to be friends with China on trade while they invade our nation? No more trade with China or appeasement of China. Use this situation to turn the tables on China. Hit them in the South China Sea and take away their artificial islands. If it’s war China wants we can expand it to any where WE WANT. Why restrict it to Ladakh?

    1. You are talking about Nukes ? can you fire a single conventional on PLA ? Ask your generals. Of course it's wishful thinking.

    2. I can just laugh on your pretty much immatured comment. You are talking about opening more front or fronts other than Ladakh! Did you ever analysed your operational capabilities. Much ridiculous to talk about taking their island in South Chinese sea. I always believe that Indians can just imagine n speculate in their movies. The Chinese have hut you hard below the belt.

    3. Fairy tale stories don't work so easily, u nuke them they will nuke India,whatever u do they can do multiple times, India doesn't stand a chance.

    4. Dont bark bark like a puppy if u want then go on i know u are a very brave man ur nonsense comment cant help u. Just do it.

    5. 2 weeks ago bipin rawat said, India is ready for 2 1/2 front war...he was mentioning Pakistan, China & Nepal..wht happened now...?

    6. You seem very passionate why don't you join the volunteers and fight the invaders easy to sit at home and write rubbish.

    7. Our budget is just mere $71 billion while China's is about $269B, our economy is a trillion dollar economy in contrast to China's dazzling $9 trillion. We simply can't afford a war with China and they know it

    8. India's defence budget is too low and we have a trillion dollar economy while China has a dazzling $9 trillion, we simply can't afford a war and the Chinese know it

    9. Waiting for any such response, but I lost my hope now

    10. Too ambitious. I dnt think that India is in a position to challenge China on any ground in today's circumstances.

  6. Hello Colonel.

    Who is responsible for the management of India - China-LAC ?

    Are they under Command the Army? If not then why not ??

    What is the mandated role of the Army if intrusion does take place?

    Who is responsible to obtain intelligence on Chinese activities?

    Did they provide "timely intelligence"?

    Answer that before trying to reach the collars of Army brass which seems to have become your compulsive behavior.

    1. I think it's the guy with the 56 inch chaati now become 56 inch assh^less.

    2. Might we should wait for the right clouds to be in place to hide our attacking airforce... Country was handed over to teaboy and didn't even supply chai for the stranded migrant workers

  7. Give China an ultimatum, before we nuke that PLA intruding in our lands.
    Make sure we elucidate our ability to reach its farthest corners in no uncertain terms, and our readiness and resolve in inflicting fullest harm.

    1. Go and tell that to Xi! Today's China is the upgraded version of Changez Kan. If Himalayas directed him away from India then. Today's Changez can fly higher than Everest! Run away like a frightened rat �� before it is too late!

    2. Haha funny dont expect chinese nuc as chinese

    3. Brother you watching to many Bollywood movie's. Come to sense China had a new year fire cracker in their arsenal.

  8. Question . Has the Government of India looked after National Security Interests?

  9. @unknown
    Prof Abhijit Bhattcharya

    Please feel free to post the information on Quora, with due ascription to my blog: (Broadsword,

  10. Obviously, China has exploited the weakness caused by the Pandemic. However, it is inexplicable that the top political leadership repeatedly state in public that the perception of LAC is different. LAC is defined and patrolling has been going on for ages. It is only the IB that is in doubt, not LAC.

    This govt,has repeatedly reduced the real defence expenditure ,and blame on insufficient funds for capital expenditure on defense pay and pensions ,meaning pay and pension of the uniformed personnel

    Letting the Chinese 'keep'the 60 sq km they captured by stealth should never be accepted

    1. Maybe the Covid-19 was a weapon after all,the giant fell asleep.


    Firstly for those ‘defence analysts’ and their saffron supporters writing in the modi media, China does not do ‘salami slicing’ the days of the Mahabharata are long gone, might is not indicated by large territory. This is not analogous to getting a few meters of your neighbours garden. You RSS Bakths, the might of a nation depends on a healthy educated population and industrial production. Hong Kong and Taiwan are valuable real estate for China worth scrapping over, not a few meters of worthless ice desert like Ladakh.
    What China is doing in Ladakh is exactly as the Broadsword article says, it’s for strategic reasons. A few years ago China proposed giving up its claim to Arunachal if India gave up its claim to Akshai Chin. This is how important China places on on the Highway G219 which connects the country to its Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region and China’s far western territories.

    If India had a long term defence strategy it would have foreseen that building the road to DBO and improving infrastructure would construe a threat to China’s Highway G218, there is no advantage to India by having this road. DBO was once captured by China in 1962 and given back, It a worthless piece of land of no strategic defence value. It can be used to take back Akshai Chin by a stronger Army but India does not have a stronger army or economy. India does not have a well researched long term strategic defence plan, bureaucrats and politicians in Delhi take decisions, like building the road, based on a false sense of hubris and nationalism,


    As the article says the Chinese are here to stay at Gulwan.
    In addition the Chinese will reinforce their position at the Pangong Tso the domination of this area leaves the way wide open to the Leh.


    In this scenario China will aTTACK all along its border with India

    China will make use of the new DBO road to attack India and capture the Nubra Valley with an additional force via Saser La pass
    Another attack will come via Hot Springs and Pangong Tso sectors,
    The main Chinese advance will be from Demchok and south of the Pangong Tso to Chusul, Nyoma and then an advance to Leh.
    Another Chinese attack will come from Demchock towards Manali.
    The new border will be the Indus River it will secure Akshai Chin, it will also secure the Indus waters for Pakistan.


    Build close relations with China through diplomatic means
    Demilitarise DBO completely
    Build an adventure camp for tourists
    Propose the infrastructure on both sides be used for trade and tourism.
    Offer the Nagri, Demchok, Manali road as a commerce throughway into India.

    The Indian side should concentrate on uplifting its people out of poverty and strive for an educated and healthy population.

    1. Scylla & Charybdis2 June 2020 at 12:27


      The bifurcation of the State of J& K into two Union Territories has caused the de facto congealed international border consensus to be scrambled.

      The strategic intent of India to retake POK has been unscrambled.

      China can also be at the doorsteps of India through the plains of Nepal.

      2.5 Front capability and Cold Start is A SANTA CLAUSE.

      James Bond is a FICTIONAL FAILURE.

      Nepal is the actual STRATEGIC CHINESE FAIT ACCOMPLI.

  12. How much are you paid for such fake news? INCongress is your boss or lockheed martin?

  13. It's always the Army who is made the scapegoat. They follow the instructions of the politicians. If so the first head to roll must be the RM

  14. It is unfortunate that down the line in 57 years we have not learned any lesson from China.we only know how to beat the bushes with our hollow words.

  15. Dear Mr. Shukla
    I saw a YouTube video where Mr. Nitin Gokhale asserts that India has not ceded any territory and is rather capable of giving the Chinese a counter punch if push comes to shove.
    The tone is contrary to your narrative. Could you respond on the difference?
    Arupendra Das

  16. China is so mean to do such sneaky things. Not fair at all. Those poor Generals in Northern Command and Leh. They were just taking time off during the pandemic at the LAC. How were they to know the cunning yellow devils would repeat Kargil?

    India was caught with its pants down as usual. The Indian Government will be spending a lot of time suitably groveling, cowering before and appeasing China for a so called diplomatic solution while denying and covering up the incident in public. All is well I suppose till the next time history repeats itself.😔

  17. Nothing will be done by IA/IAF against this intrusion and occupation by PLA?

  18. Although I am no expert but seeing the situation some top defence and bureaucratic heads should roll. If China has dared to intrude in Ladakh , why can't we do the same somewhere else? Just thinking...

  19. Command HQs slept over, as satellite image could not be interpreted and evaluated by interpreters.
    Time to sack Army Cdr.

  20. Ladhakh forms part of Kashmir State ruled by Maharaja Hari Singh on or before October 05, 1947. Supremo Modi's action on August 05, 2019 turned the whole State into a no man's land. Any link, Kashmir had with India due to a purported accession as claimed to have been signed by Dogra Hari Singh who soon after 'signing the instrument of accession' was externed to live in Bombay to die in oblivion, is severed for good. Sheikh Abdullah used to the hilt by Nehru, in a jiffy was shuttled from jails in KUD, KODAIKANAL and KOTLA LANE to die a political death in 1975. Now India has to fight on three fronts Kashmir, China & Pakistan. But never mind India has people like Modi, Amit Shah and the genius called Ajit Doval to do some magic.

    1. What about Nepal? And sri Lanka is already sliding towards China!

    2. Very realistic bro. I have been following many analysts and learned ppl commenting on the background and existung situation. For the first time, I have come across somebody who has traced the issue back to 5th Aug 2019. It is infact this fundamental change in the scenario which has exposed all disputed areas in Indian possession for any adventurer.

  21. If China pushes in like this.. it’s highly unlikely they will stop doing this is future.. India should give China an warning to move out.. if it does not ,open fire ! Eventually have to do it someday.

  22. Eleven trains with construction workers and materials are being organised to rapidly complete roads in Ladakh.
    The completion of the roads are not going to help, don’t see the logic.
    We must start immediate high level talks with China.
    The building of roads was provocative.
    It is baffling why did we do this.
    Are there diamond and gold mines at Daulat Baig Oldie?
    Is oil going to be discovered there?
    AJai Shukla is there something that they are not telling us?
    Why did we have to build a road to Daulat Baig Oldie where in my wife’s village we, have a bamboo bridge across the river.
    If her village gets easy access to our fields over the river, vegetable production will increase.
    Will we get one a single pumpkin or banana to eat from Daulat Baig Oldie?

    1. What you mean oil etc..we should build roads by asking them..engage with high level talks with china..what are you doing stating facts or making the fearful mindset...wahan kuch nahi ugta.nehru ke sir par bhi kuch nahi ugta .use bhi de de..har baar ghar mein bolne se pehle china se izzazat le?. Laga tha ke kuch kaam ki baat kar rahe ho.par aap tu dar hi faila rahe ho..

  23. Very very sad that the dragon is encroaching our motherland by deceptive tactics! And We are sound sleeping! What a tragedy that we are not learning from our past mistakes! Don't give up India at any cost! Jay Hind!

  24. Ajai Shukla refrain from writing such like articles! Thanks

  25. Now that Indian Army caught in PANTS DOWN position here, it's very evident that they pose a Macho in incriminating/raping the barehanded children/women in Kashmir while keeping them under starvation for 300 days . INDIAN ARMY Super Machos!

  26. Col Ajay Shukla is not entirely correct in his military assessment of the intrusion versus threat to DBO Axis. The nation must show the necessary spine to evict the intrusion, if the Chinese decide not to play ball.
    Also important is that the govt must publicise the extent of intrusion across LAC and call it an aggression on our territorial integrity.

  27. Who is responsible for Defence of India ? Defence secretary. No one is questioning him !!

  28. China is desperate to divert attention in wake of Coronavirus fiasco.

  29. There is no country as callus as India. In September 1990,90 afgan mujahids and ported entered from kishan ganga river towards Sonamarg and disappeared in local populace. I was involved in action as leh based pilot in countering the second batch and were demolished. I asked the then GOC 28 DIV, why we don't have any troops on the heights. His reply? Can't bloody patrol every inch of the ground. In my mind I said we'll pay for this and we did . Kartil in 1999 exactly in the same area. Now 21 years later repeat of the same. Flown in DBO MARGO chushul and ashok area. It's a wonder it took them so long. I have flown Arunachal. Same story. Fish tail 1 and 2 and maza area and area ahead of Taksing captured by China by SIP SYSTEMATIC INFILTRATION PLAN. My book UNMANNED is based on these incidents is available in AMAZON Kindle for details.

  30. India should raise and train an army of reserves selected from youngsters or volunteers. Scale up weapons of mass destruction. Enhance nuclear strike capability. Chinese have always learned it the hard way. Raise a regiment of suicide squads.

  31. What a shameful and heart breaking news this is! What were our intelligence doing? Its failure of our intelligence.

  32. NSR says ---

    Never trust the soothing words from Chinese Foreign Ministry... only look see hear feel as to what is happening at border and take action quickly...
    Do not let chinese build bunkers and permanent facilities and roads...

    Also, please do not believe all the rumors and fake news created on multi-media...

    Time is of essence...
    Situation requires drastic and immediate action to push chinese back to their old positions...

    Do not trust after Doklam...

    1. Chinese are back stabber, didn't you know that,wake up India, PUSH them back,or your sons will be eating Chinese food.

  33. There's no dearth of arm chair critics, coaches, advisors and, above all, social media warriors in our country.This one is nothing more than an anti establishment rant penned by someone with zero knowledge of actual situation.Questions posed above by someone are apt and valid. Let's wait for the answers.

  34. RAW was caught napping these chaps depend on the ITBP who are commanded by IPS officers by remote control sitting on their backsides in Delhi.
    Not much human intelligence gathering as well, except asking the Balti Sheperds to go and take a Dekko behind the mountain.
    India will not risk another Doklam, a place where the Chinese have build a holiday station complete with swimming pool, and helicopter pads.
    No doubt the Chinese will do the same at Gulwan, bringing in (Eventually) their heated porta cabins , And the place will eventually morph into a home away from home. With the extra pay and allowance, the PLA spoilt only child soldier with his Huawei smartphone, WeiChat and electronic games, will be a happy bunny at Gulwan.
    Noodles and pork dumplings cooked in water, Water Which boils easily at high altitude, cooking the wonderful solace For the Chinese soldier missing his parents.
    You can be sure the Chinese will make themselves comfortable on Indian territory.
    There is nothing that Rajnath or that fat Amit Shah can do about it, as it is the Parcharak withdrew with his tail between his legs at Doklam, but that is a secret which should not be told to the fan club.

  35. India needs to give China an ultimatum. Withdraw from the territory recently occupied in a six month period or war. All of us Indians must be prepared to hit China globally with sucide missions. If China wants war they will get war.

  36. Right wing Indian government is more busy with Pakistan by buying media houses. It's ok for short term you may achieve political goal but it's open truth our compete is with china. More focus must be given to it.

  37. I fully agree with Ajay Shukla. It is repetition of what happened in Kargil. The present "Army Commander" of Northern Army before taking over Northern Army, commanded Bde, Div and Corps in Ladhak Region. Everything has happened during his command. He should put up his papers for all this fiasco rather than finding a scape goat like in case of "OP VIJAY"

  38. by some reports chinese are like 60km inside our area , and our 56"chest government and media is like.....we are on the border winning..
    it reminds me old iraqi saddam hussains forign minister media breafings....,as US army were inside bagdad airport but on tv minister was like.....we stop them on kuwit border))

  39. Ram Madhav just confirmed what's written here.

  40. Take Tibet back

    1. Who will take Tibets Front?

  41. Never ,ever imagine losing any territory to China.It will be a big shame for all of us.

  42. Indian people n govt can only progress and become superpower by solving Kashmir issue with the consent of kashmiri people otherwise India n whole region will face poverty'backwardness.

  43. Caught napping in 1999,2017,2020..and we talk of 56 inches chest..only hype always.

  44. Must Push back China this time, come what may.

  45. Yes it speaks bad about the operational readiness of the outfit. Heads ought to role.

  46. I am amazed at lunatic assertions to nuke and follow them deep in their territory; and even dominate them in South China Sea. Are they dummies and will not react with more force? Have a heart and not live in fool's paradise. Remember 1962.

  47. We should boycott Chinese product.

  48. The Galwan area comes under the ITBP, to the best of my old experience, army does not patrol that area and the ITBP does not come under army control in peacetime. Our problem has always been that the army does not have accrsd to the politicql leafership

  49. It is shame. Are we incapable to fight? Who is responsible for the shame? We have lost our land. Punch China out and Pakistan out.

  50. This man an ex of the great Indian🇮🇳👳 Army stooping to this level putting up a facade as if the Army and it's intelligence failure is unbelievable. Can he sincerely come before the nation and tell the truth why he left the Army? Second he very well should know what was happening in the previous regime of UPA governance in the borders of our country. Was he peddling fake news on NDTV glorifying then government and now suddenly turning into a analyst of intelligence. He can keep his mouth shut because once again he is peddling fake news or naive and doesn't know what is happening exactly on our borders, what the great Indian Army is doing and our intelligence both internal, external are run?

    1. Indian territory was not lost to Chinese aggression earlier

  51. It is very distressing, that our Civilian Govt and Army are submitting to China's expansionist policies. Why cannot we stop China or take Revenge and push them back. If a war is needed let that come. We may have to fight in three fronts. Better Do or Die, than surrender to China, Neepal and Pakistan.

  52. Sir with all due respect, the fact of the matter is that Army in all its glory is busy fighting unarmed and poorly trained local boys in Kashmir. How do we expect them to stand in front of a professional and highly motivated PLA or Pakistan army. The icing on the cake is by our great myopic politicians who can't think beyond elections. The decision to revoke article 370 which had the cover of UN and P5 China included has put the whole region up for grabs from anyone and everyone. It is the same political leadership who are not ready to give an inch to Pakistan are ceding the whole region to Chinese, thus infuriating the people of Ladakh who had shown the trust in New Delhi. As an Indian we are losing trust in our security establishment and feeling most vulnerable with even Nepal challenging us now.

  53. Chinese are too aggressive,they are on path of colonisation. I am wondering that how India lost its ground on loc. They already came inside Indian Territory upto 3 to 4 km and in pangong area they came at two finger.
    Here India must have push back Chinese troops on their actual position.

  54. Time to claim Tibet and correct the mistake of 1959.

  55. We land in these situations because of lack of concise and precise SOPs on dealing with our adversary, specially when it comes to China. The instructions have to be very clear on what the army/ agency on the ground is to do without waiting for directions from Command/ AHQ/ Ministry. Secondly, such a massive failure can be the sole responsibility of Army. What was NSA doing? What were our other intelligence egencies doing? Squatting???

  56. Presumptive, provocative, all knowing type article. Though Shukla has retired he knows what army is thinking. He is trying to create division between govt and army by writing that army thinks govt would give up the encroached land.
    But if lapses have taken place heads must roll and more importantly the govt should adopt military means to wrest back the land if other options fail. And I am sure the govt can act tough as they did in Doklam.

  57. This wobbly knee policy against china will not are right in saying that this entire episode has made us look like paper tigers not only to chinese but others as may embolden Pakistan in the future.level of brinkmanship has to be stepped up to give a very clear signal to china...otherwise forger your 56 inch and buy peace with china by handing over your territory but for gods sake have a well defined border

  58. Without knowing the fact India boasted that we are ready for two and half front war and now we can fight for only one war against China who are ready to fight many fronts including South China sea. If we lose DBO we have to forget Aksai Chin for ever.

  59. Some one might wonder over so mild response of India, not even a response, to chinies intrusion. So much so, Rajnath went to say that LAC is not defined yet?

  60. I know you are a Congi stooge and your comment and analysis is always biased.The more panic you will creat the more resolved our army will be.And ultimately these chinese will go back where they were before this fiasco.Not like you ideological master Rahul pappu who at the hight of Docklum met Chinese akas to fan it.

  61. It's so frustrating the army is caught napping it will be left to young officers to risk their life to reclaim

  62. I have always seen political bias in this blog and will rather wait for verifiable news from trusted agencies

  63. It is time we start to get aggressive stance with China when it is at its weakest , sidelined by the world . We must gather momentum on the issue of pla troops in laddakh and take an anti china stance on taiwan and hong kong.

  64. Gradually a day will come while China will claim Whole Ladakh and Arunachal...where is surgical strike capability now?

  65. Sir...just to understand...
    The chinese do not use weapons..even in the worst of times to avoid a flare even if you are 1.5 kms from a highway and dominate it unlike kargil you cant shell wats the point???
    2. If idea is reconnaisance then why not use so many of those glitzy stolen tech UAVs....
    3. Unless the idea is to grab some land..salami slicing or keep the pressure on India..holding such spots would need some PLA has been an avid intention of PLA to not need to man the LAC continuously... so would this be a total change in strategy

  66. I was in an illusion, India can beat China, and it is no more 1962 India! What is happening here? What happens if India has to fight two front war, China and Pakistan, by the end of the war, India probably would lose half of its territory?!

    1. We will nuke, we have Modi

  67. So the truth is China has taken over our land, we have to admit and instead of kicking them away our government is in the process of talks and deplomatic efforts will that help, why not fight for per land, disappointed

  68. But China wants war ....not through dialogue & pakistan support fully China & the civilians of j&k ladakh also support China and Pakistan reason is that India looses

  69. I have read many articles from Mr Shukla. I have also watched him on many TV shows. There is always one thing common that he biased. Initial I thought that comments are coming from a retired officer from forces so it has a value. But over the time, a particular bias has taken over all his analytical capabilities. In this article MR Shukla acts as an investigator, witness as well as a judge. There were always some issues with processes in armed forces. Our forces seems to stick to WWII practices of decision making and governance. Mr Shukla is also part of that. But that is systemic problem nothing to do with Ladakh though these systemic issues will have reflection in Ladakh too. At one point of time MR Shukla used strongly advocate purchase of fighters from a foreign country. His basis of argument was quite funny. Mr Shukla says since the BVR from a French and European firms can not be integrated with Tejas and other Indian fighters so we India should imports fighters so that French and European BVRs could be used. Mr Shukla never thought of Astra - a BVR developed and made in India. Dear Shukla Sir, you will find Indian BVRs and seekers, and Radars ruling the skying. Will you concede why such important defence are getting fructifying from last couple of years after languishing for decades. Was it due to political reasons or corrupt nexus systems in bureaucracy and to some extent in defence procurement which getting changed now.

  70. Ajai Shukla make sure ur claims are on solid ground n not based on ur delusions.Also what prevents Indian Army to seize the area in Winters as Pak attempted to seize Kargil?Entire Tibetan plateau will b covered in snow n ice putting pressure on their supply lines. Additionally if China attacks Taiwan it will b busy on two fronts , good opportunity again.Indian Army should gather its strike cores n wait for winters , if the LAC is unmarked take advantage at other points to dominate them.

  71. Galwan Kashmiri2 June 2020 at 06:28

    Dear Respected Col. Ajay Shukla,
    As a Kashmiri, I have a great respect for you. I have been following you, reading your articles and watching you on tv debates, you are the most honest person in Indian military establishment, a true Indian. People like you only can make India great. God bless you.
    With the recent Chinese incursion in Ladakh, we Kashmiris have further lost trust in India. India and its security establishment is only good at fighting its own people, killing, maiming, harassing, raping, keeping people locked for months in the grab of terrorism. When it comes to fighting the perpetrators of so called terrorism it chickens out. It simply can not and every one here in Kashmir knows that India can not stand in front of Pakistani army let alone PLA. The recent statement of Defense minister Rajnath Singh proves it when he quietly accepted Chinese new definition of LAC. See for God's sake who is our political leadership in New Delhi, Modi, Shah, Irani, Rajnath. Are these capable leaders to lead a country as big and as diverse as India? We all know the answer looking where we stand internationally or internally, but we do not have guts to accept it. We all live in a bollywoodland. We gave a befitting reply to Pakistan in Uri film and Indians will keep satisfying their collective conscience by watching aajtak, zee news and Sunny Deol.
    It is time that reality hits us and hits us hard before it is too late. India should wake up now and start the new reality from Kashmir. Declare greater autonomy for Kashmir to keep them on your side, it is better than losing it to Pakistan or now China.

  72. This is just fake news . The government have officially not said if Chinese have inttuded. Until they confirm this is just some speculation


  73. It's sobering experience that the opposition leader who use to roar like
    a Lion and country entrusted him to take the nation to new heights has
    turned out to be such a gigantic failure that we are becoming a laughing

    Not to worry, BJP Tremendous media management will ensure that irrespective
    of what happens on our border Modi ji wll score wonderful and glorious victory
    in TV studios. Anchores will drop 5000 KG bombs on our collective consious
    and another shameful chapter will be brushed under the carpet

    this is new india and we manage everything from TV studios even our hunger

  74. The article is informative and gives the details of ground position to the readers. Col Shukla's bias in analysis is evident. While you target army top brass justifiably, undermining the army's morale is a negativity and shows the pessimism. Seven long years of inaction on procurement, political plays on Rafale deals etc are also contributory for our weaknesses in fire power, apart from long political blunders throughout our independent Indian history with China and Pak. Army's fighting younger lot are far more determined and true that it is not the 1962 India. India today, backs the forces and national interest must be paramount. Govt must assert itself with China forcefully and regain our lost positions back.

  75. Dear don't blame our army they are the one we are alive. Blame the politicians who are dealing this. Can u imagine how much congress had paid for this.

  76. I doubt if Modi & Co have Indira Gandhi's guts to repel the Chinese.

  77. This intrusion by China, as alleged, could only be a bid to draw India inwards to support it when the whoĺe world is drawing against it due to it's over ambitious economic policies to dominate globe with a view to achieve Superpower Status.Particularly also due to its diminished image bcz of origin of Coronavirus from its land.Like it has done to intimidate OZ, he trying same on India to save its face & status.
    Depending how India reacts, China is likely to withdraw out of here.

  78. Kargil. Indua saved its face due to American and whole world pressure on Pakistan. From Pakistani view point it was really a very smart move by Gen. Mushraf but indian size of economy and worlds interests in india compelled Pakistan to withdraw its forces. Now China not came to go back.Even from indians were playing a big game but without doing proper homework. Even if they do. China will not let it go essily. Stakes r very high so china cant take any risk. India is well on the path of its own not good future. All the neighbors r now against india including their own created BD and only other Hindu nation Nepal. Why? Becoz indians r still living in dreams. They can better live like Schengen states and can progress on high pace with markets like Pakistan Aghanistan Iran and all the old Russian states even china thru road routes. All the countries can progress and fight their poverty. But indians opted for regional hegemony which Pakistan a big country with strong army but much less than when it compares to india coz indian army is 3 times bigger and economy 7 times bigger, hammered seriously with much better nuke and home made missile superiority . Now india is spending billion to match it forget about hegemonial designs. Bollywood kept busy the mantra giving glorious surgical strike stories and Hero winning the entire war. I was now reading all comments and I really felt sorry for all those irrational and mindless thinkings. Nobody tried to convince that its not time to fight wars. South Asia had the opportunity and potential to grow fast economically and leave aside those old fighting sentiments. China and Pakistan r strategic partners besides their friendship dont forget this very important element. Think if china india and Pakistan join hand in trade and manfacturing but Hindutva will never allow this to happen. Americans will never remain united states sooner or latter its bound to happen parting away and india is very un natural country very un natural. They r still intact coz Pakistan is much weaker than india and China policy is not based on making divisions. But who knows when u r fingering every where???

  79. PM Modi did his best to befriend these Chinese sincerely. Yet again they betrayed us, as they did in 1962.

    Sadly, we have unintelligent Generals as the British have indicated long back. We are always on defensive and had to fight to retrieve our land paying a heavy price.

  80. PM Modi did his best to befriend these Chinese sincerely. Yet again they betrayed us, as they did in 1962.

    Sadly, we have unintelligent Generals as the British have indicated long back. We are always on defensive and had to fight to retrieve our land paying a heavy price.

  81. Where is indian media why not demanding surgical strike.
    It is history first indian media army goverment do chest bumping.
    Please please give back our Abhinandhan.
    Plesse please please go back chines this is our land.
    Most coward alnation on earth.

  82. Don't spread fake news without authentic source to malign Indian defence forces, this itself derogatory.

  83. Instead of wasting time on Chinese intrusion Modi government should concentrate on Pakistan.... Pakistan can get votes not China . Arnab Goswami Sudhir Chiudhary should advice PM Modi

  84. We need a surgical strike on China at this very moment to save our image inside and world wide... At least the godi media can do some trumpeting that strike already happened!!!

  85. It's a general idea that we Indians fights each other more on social media and televisions. You will soon see comorades of more Indian army on TVs and social media platforms. Believe me we are not of 1962 but of 2020. China knows well that things are not easy as we think. India will dominate and we will win. We need strong will and sense. It's china tactics to cover up COVID 19 failures. They just want to show the world their foolish and cowardly power. We need to be vigilant and strike when situations demand.Any way no one wins a war but we shall not either concede a single inch of our land. Jai hind

  86. Compare to 1962, today India is much weaker in economic front compare to China. At 1962 the GDP of China was USD 47 Billion and India 42 Billion. Surprisingly per capita income of average Chinise was less than an average Indian as India's population lesser than China.
    Today what is the condition of Indian economy is known to everyone.
    Then also our defence budget is not that bad. Only thing we are not spending our money judiciously.
    Example : Japan is building s Soruy class submarine at around 537 million but at we are spending almost double to built Kalveri class submarine.
    This is only one example. There are many.

  87. High time for India to learn the war readiness of its armed forces. Fact is Pakistan being a smaller country in size, has always taken security very seriously. Pak Army exposed their indian counterpart. Indian army got her face saved by the USA. But didn't learn the lesson and now they've repeated the same mistake. They did get a trailer in 2017. This happens when you're so busy trying to find ways to engulf your relatively smaller neighbour. You forget the big ones might be planning the same. May this issue be solved in the best interest of the region to bring peace and prosperity.

  88. Ajaibhai don't spread rumors on such sensitive matters. Do you gave proof of what you are saying?

  89. Hahaha you kept moderation to show your comments. Thar's why I see all comments supporting your view. Idiot guy - own blog, own comments - pscho ajay

  90. Nice blog thanks for sharing this useful information about the India history keep wring more . Why India history is so complicated?

  91. The main problem is Kasmir people's are radical muslims that support pakistan.
    Which is the biggest drawback for India.

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