FBI trains Indian police on crime scene management and forensics - Broadsword by Ajai Shukla - Strategy. Economics. Defence.

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Monday 14 March 2011

FBI trains Indian police on crime scene management and forensics

An example of the more useful cooperation that is growing between Washington and New Delhi. Pasted below is a press release from the US Embassy in Delhi.


NEW DELHI -- The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), in partnership with the Indian Ministry of Home Affairs, on Friday March 11 concluded a five-day law enforcement exchange focusing on crime scene management and evidence collection techniques. The exchange took place at the Central Detective Training School of the Bureau of Police Research and Development (BPRD) in Chandigarh, Punjab.

Following the conclusion of the training, U.S. Ambassador to India Timothy J. Roemer remarked: “the evolving nature of terrorist and criminal acts requires an array of sophisticated tools, specialized examination, and scientific methods to ensure that culprits are successfully brought to justice. All Indians and Americans alike – from police officers to the average citizen – benefit when our law enforcement officials have the proper training and expertise to effectively analyze a crime scene and accurately determine the perpetrators of heinous crimes that target innocent civilians.

“After the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks, the U.S. and India cooperated closely to provide the forensic work and testimony that convicted terrorist mastermind Ajmal Kasab. Collaboration between the U.S. and India helped bring him to justice. Transnational criminals and terrorist organizations know no borders, and exchanges such as this one are an excellent method for the U.S. and India to partner together to enhance our shared capabilities and fight a threat that is faced by every country.”

Sixteen Indian officers, selected by the Ministry of Home Affairs and BPRD from state agencies across India, participated in the exchange. FBI subject matter experts came to India to discuss best practices on a variety of crime scene issues with participants. Topics covered include crime scene administration and management, body fluid and blood collection, crime scene photography, DNA evidence collection, hair and fiber collection, latent fingerprints, and human remains recovery.


  1. i have a question how is exchange = training? i mean both sides are learning, where as in training only one side does, i am sure joint exercises are not same as training.

  2. A vert misleading news title. Exchange is not the same as training.

  3. It's clear that FBI subject matter experts were in India to train a select group of Indian Police Officers. No matter how you dice this, this is a training and not exchange. The word exchange is probably used to make it sound a little more diplomatic, that's all.

  4. Anonymous 20:35,
    Even though that is probably the case, is it right for the media to make their own assumptions (right or wrong) and pass that as the headline?

  5. Let's not pretend that Indian crime scene management standards are anything close to US standards. This was training, not exchange.

  6. did they also teach how to handle political pressures on a crime investigation...i think that's what Investigators needs more training on...

  7. Gaur:

    In case you've lost your way, this is not a media outlet, this is my personal blog and I need nobody's permission before putting my own interpretation into a headline. Be clear about where you are blundering around!


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