Indian ABM test aborted after target malfunction - Broadsword by Ajai Shukla - Strategy. Economics. Defence.
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Monday 15 March 2010

Indian ABM test aborted after target malfunction

(Photo: courtesy Ajai Shukla)

An endo-atmospheric missile interceptor, being assembled at the DRDO's missile complex in Hyderabad. Such a missile was to have been tested today

A DRDO test, scheduled today to test the performance of an endo-atmospheric interceptor, self-aborted after the target failed to perform according to the test parameters. The DRDO press release is attached below:

DRDO Press Release: 15th March 2010

The flight test under Programme AD was planned to be conducted on 15 Mar 2010 to demonstrate the interception of Tactical Ballistic Missile in endo-atmospheric region. As part of the mission, a target missile mimicking the incoming ballistic missile in terms of altitude and speed, was launched from ITR, Chandipur on 15 Mar 2010 at around 1010 hrs.

The target missile took off in normal way; at T+20 sec (approx) the target deviated due to some onboard system malfunction and could not maintain the intended trajectory, failing to attain the desired altitude profile. The Mission Control Centre computer found that the interception is not warranted as the deviated target did not present the incoming missile threat scenario and accordingly the system intelligently did not allow take-off of the interceptor missile for engaging the target. The cause of the target malfunction is being investigated by analysis of tele-metered data.


  1. I assume the target missile is one of the Prithivi series made at BDL. If this is the quality of missiles made in India then we would definitely need a damn good ABM shield.

  2. We seriously need to implement SQC(Statistical Quality Control) and Six-Sigma quality programmes in the manufacture of critical systems like these. Get some quality control experts from Auto industry. If private sector can have so many quality issues in manufacturing then how do you assume a government sector employee to be on his toes on quality front.
    It is important to ensure that the mass produced BDL products are precisely like the original tested DRDO specimen. Errors much beyond CEP can creep up if mass-production quality control is not up to the mark.

  3. lol DRDO just covering its face

    I heard somewhere that ABM fell in to Sea its definitely interceptor missile's problem

  4. At low altitudes they have the Akash, the question is mortars and low tech missiles which will make Akash very expensive to use to destroy - "why waste a missile".

  5. During such ABM tests, the Prithvi Missile is made to follow trajectory similar to those missiles in Pakistani or Chinese inventory not the regular Prithvi Trajectory. So there may be some problems with assigning new trajectory to the prithvi.

  6. ......the incoming missile threat scenario and accordingly the system intelligently did not allow take-off of the interceptor missile......

    intelligently.........ha ha ha ha ha

  7. And these so called scientists were saying that they had more advanced systems than China? I will tell you one thing, from now on I will always be more inclined to believe what general's say about indian products than what DRDO, etc say. Can you imagine going into a war with products like these?

  8. Not sure why many here comment like DDMs... The Prithvi I bet has been modified to perform a different role or trajectory. This is standard OP in any kind of tests, modify the input parameters to assess the total system performance. You dont keep feeding the same set of input parameters and expect differnet outcome. No doubt Prithvi has been modified and it is these modification for this particular test that failed.. not Prithvi.

  9. I dont understand why such disappointment about the ABM not taking off.

    Believe me it will never be required to take off.

    The Prithvi simulated the Puke missile very accurately.

  10. The news this week about the chinese chic-4 nuke missile copied to make the paki nuke must cause trouble.

  11. The only country to have never had a test failure is Pakistan.

    So I guess the DRDO critics here have their aims set pretty high.

    No seriously, America's space and missile defence programs, Japan's space program,Russia's latest ICBM tests, all have had significant instances of failure.

    So I guess the USA, Japan and Russia should buy all their aero-space goods from Pakistan.

    Where do you guys come from? You cant all be from the glorious state of Pakistan!

  12. The indigenous Arjun main battle tank (MBT) has "met all performance objectives" at the recent month-long trials in Rajasthan, according to sources who witnessed them. The Army's trial is expected to submit its report and findings latest by the end of this month. Despite what the Defence Ministry seems to be putting out, DRDO is confident that the game isn't over -- that the Army may still be prevailed upon to place an order for at least 176 more tanks. Watch this space.


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