Osama is dead - Broadsword by Ajai Shukla - Strategy. Economics. Defence.
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Sunday 1 May 2011

Osama is dead

Osama bin Laden, killed this morning by US Special Forces at a compound outside Abbotabad, in the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan, close by the Pakistan Military Academy, Kakul

For me, the death of Osama is a strangely personal thing! Having moved into his house in Kabul just a couple of days after he vacated it... and having watched him being bombed in Tora Bora up to the day that he vacated the caves and trekked into Pakistan... I feel like I should be attending his funeral in Bagram, or wherever the Americans dispose of his body.

Oh well. I think I'll write an analysis instead of what I think the death of Osama means. Watch this space tomorrow.


  1. Oh boy!!! Pak can do anything for $$$$$. They preferred to give away their spiritual light in return for salary for month of May for entire Pak Army. Just a thing or two to notice for our friends in China & Kashmir...YOU WILL BE DUMPED NEXT BY PAK ARMY

  2. waiting for the analysis !

  3. Mridul Kanti Roy Chowdhury2 May 2011 at 01:13

    Eagerly waiting

  4. Why would Pakistan let go its biggest strategic leverage so easily......this is a big Question????What has been added into Rawalpindi's strategic arsenal that let them dump Osama. For our Foreign Minister stating that 4th Afghan War has ended is a wrong assessment. It is far from over. Pak gave away Osama but got entire Afghanistan in swap deal with Americans. Obama's troop will leave Pak as stated by The President and again this subcontinent will be ISI's playground with Afghanistan as strategic depth and China + Saudia Arabia being financer of this new blood bath being planned in SE Asia

  5. Why would Kayani put himself in peril??? knowing very well that there will be Jehadi backlash to this...unless and until there is some old trick to settle this. The American sponsored and Saudi bank rolled COUP is in offing in Pakistan

  6. big trouble for pakis...osama dead,WOT in Afghanistan comming to an end.....now who is going to fund them$$$$ ??

  7. Do you really think OBL's body will be buried on land so that others can come and glorify him as a martyr? Are you really that naive? If so, then your naivety never ceases to amaze me.

  8. From the picture it appears Osama is laughing at the rest of the world. His last thought: even if you take the numberplate off, the car will keep moving ...! I hope this does not rile up the filth in Af-Pak and pour into our border.

  9. Col Shukla sir,
    That is a morphed image.
    The lower half is OBL, the upper half is some terrorist killed like 4-5 years ago.

    This photo has been around for about 5 years on the net.

  10. FYI, this picture is fake: http://tinyurl.com/3k6x5bd The real pictures will be released in due course.

  11. Col. Shukla, the image you have posted is a doctored one floating around. As has been notified by the US DOD.

  12. The Picture is a fake.

  13. Picture is fake.

  14. This is for you and your forehead Colonel ji..


    What type of guys are you friends with !

  15. Personal thing and wanted to attend funeral ?... vowww....

  16. It's about time. It's an American promise fulfilled.

    This really doesn't look good for the Pakis. I hope the US can now scale back the support for Paki military.


  17. ajay sir,let me say this first that i do believe american military killed osama the day before,but the photo circulating and also posted by you above is doctored..american establishment are yet to release photos of the operation..if you see closely the blood smudged part of tihe face is restricted to only the upper half of the face..both the halves are in slightly different resolution..probably created for dramatic news reports..

  18. still wnaiting for your analysis!

  19. This photo is a fake!!! check the news.

  20. thats a doctored photo... long been exposed as fake

  21. the terminator2 May 2011 at 18:44

    Please don't waste your precious time and effort in trying to attend that misguided scumbag's funeral.

    Fundamentalist like him who embrace violence even at the expense of killing innocent lives to achieve their dream of a Islamic world should be abhored as the pigs they are. They preach peace but do just the opposite. Though I do not gloat on his death but I feel relieved that a Muslim militant of his ilk has been taken out by the American special forces.

    I wish the GOI wakes up to such possibilities in emasculating the proponents of militancy against India in similar manner.

    India should not be worried about the Paki penchant to warn of nuclear retaliation because if they even tried to do so, they would not have anything left, Pakistan to begin with.

    Eagerly waiting for your analysis.

  22. All this is rubbish...its the re elections and the exit policy from Afganistan.When an ox raises its tail we know its for what...

  23. Fake Photo. Please remove

  24. OMG look at the audacity - no I am not talking aboutthe pakis hiding OBL (that was known), but about this man who turns up on national TV and call the pak ambassador to UK a LIAR.

    good to hear ur voice of reason in the discussion.

  25. Pakis will be Pakis and you can never put anything past them!We have took way beyond tomorrow and prepare so. Pakistan's fantasy of control over Afghanistan and beyond to Central Asia will never diminish.They realize that the only way to expand paki influence is to its west.The only problems for pak,is one,its aspirations outstrip its abilities/resources.Milking the USA may not be that easy.Two,by being too clever by half,putting a spin on complicity with the USA may not be that easy. Circumstance may probably slip out of paki hands.But knowing Pakiyapa ,they ain't gonna give up on their fantasies.India better keep her powder dry and options open.

  26. the terminator3 May 2011 at 04:01

    The OBL fanatics are already screaming foul. They just can't digest the fact that their hero is gone. He died a martyr according to these misguided souls. So, 72 virgins would be spreading their legs in anticipation of this scum doing further service in furtherance of his goal of an Islamic world without the hated infidels. Good luck to him and his misguided moronic followers. India should learn from this episode and do whatever is necessary to take out the terrorists and their masterminds wherever they are. Better not to take any prisoners because they will become guests of Indian democratic way of life.

  27. What for did you move into his house in kabul?? Did you have anything to do with his wife!! .. ha ha ha


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