Republic Day Parade 2011: photos from dress rehearsal (march-past) - Broadsword by Ajai Shukla - Strategy. Economics. Defence.

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Sunday, 23 January 2011

Republic Day Parade 2011: photos from dress rehearsal (march-past)


  1. In the first pic of this post, I see a large audience and also a Doordarshan tv camera! Have all these arrangements been made just for the dress rehearsal?

  2. Fantastic photographs, it brings back the the memories down the line,

    still proud to say I was part of those who march now ..

    Thomas Manimala (Ex IAF)

  3. Col, do you know which regiments are on this time?

  4. The armed force personals show off does not connect well with the society, when every pin or part of a machinery is imported and there is all out support by from different quarters of procurement. It's a shame that the indian armed forces are myopic in their view of developmet of technology in India by Indians.

    When the armed forces or babus or politicians are more interested in imports of technology for abroad, why is it that we civilians support foreign politicians, civil sevants and armed forces.
    My views are not against the armed force personals or Babus or politicians, all I would like to see high technology projects related to defense in India by Indians.


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